What to Expect When Facing Firearms or Handgun Charges in Court

How a handgun on a person or in a vehicle defense lawyer can give you help
you need

Facing a handgun on a person or handgun in vehicle charges is a serious matter with
potentially severe consequences. Under these circumstances, it’s crucial that you retain
an experienced, proven loaded handgun on a person-loaded handgun in vehicle lawyer. If you or a loved one find yourselves in this situation, understanding what to expect in court can make a significant difference in your defense strategy.

Below are the key stages and considerations when dealing with armed robbery charges:

Initial Arrest and Arraignment

The process begins with your arrest, where you’ll be taken into custody and informed of your charges. It’s crucial to exercise your right to remain silent and request a handgun on-person defense attorney immediately. handgun in vehicle Lawyer John Pikulski is highly knowledgeable about loaded handguns in person cases. He will personally handle all aspects of your case and guide you all the way through.

Within 24 hours of your arrest, you will see a commissioner for your illegal possession of regulated firearm case. An attorney can be helpful at this hearing, if you already have hired our office we can potentially be present via phone call for this hearing. If release is not an option based on the decision of the commissioner, your case will be heard by a judge the next business day in most situations.

Bail Hearing

Following the commissioner, a bail hearing will be held to determine whether you can be released from custody while awaiting trial. The judge will consider factors such as the potential danger to society if you are released, your criminal history, and flight risk. Your loaded handgun on person lawyer will argue for a reasonable bail amount or your release on your own recognizance, highlighting your ties to the community and other mitigating factors. Some Judges consider handguns in vehicles or illegal possession of regulated firearms charges to be a danger to society and will hold individuals in a no bond. Our office can help secure a follow-up bond hearing if release is not an option after the initial bond review.


Illegal possession of regulated firearms cases will likely be indicted. Depending on the jurisdiction, potential criminal record as well as the specifics of the case Handgun on Person as well as Loaded Handgun in Vehicle cases can be indicted as well. Indicted is the process by which cases in the State of Maryland are moved from District Court to Circuit Court. Generally, misdemeanors are heard in District Court, and felonies are heard in Circuit Court. Loaded Handgun in Vehicle charges and related offenses can potentially end up in either court.

Pre-Trial Motions and Discovery

During the pre-trial phase, both the defense and prosecution will engage in discovery, exchanging evidence that will be presented at trial. Your armed robbery defense attorney will file pre-trial motions to suppress evidence, dismiss charges, or request a change of venue if necessary. This stage is critical for building your defense, as it allows your lawyer to identify weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and develop strategies to counter their arguments. Identifying these weaknesses is one of Attorney John Pikulski’s chief skills.

Plea Bargaining

In many cases, the prosecution may offer a plea bargain, where you can plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence. Your illegal possession of a regulated firearm defense attorney will negotiate on your behalf, aiming for the best possible outcome. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of accepting a plea deal versus going to trial, as it can significantly impact your future.


If your case proceeds to trial, both sides will present their arguments, call witnesses, and submit evidence. As the defendant, you have the right to testify, though your lawyer will advise you on whether this is in your best interest. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime. Your loaded handgun on person lawyer will challenge their evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and present alternative theories to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors.


If you’re found guilty, the judge will determine your sentence based on factors such as the nature of the crime, any mitigating circumstances, and state sentencing guidelines. Armed robbery convictions often carry severe penalties, including lengthy prison sentences, heavy fines, and probation. Your theft defense attorney will argue for leniency, presenting evidence of your character, lack of criminal history, and other mitigating factors to minimize your sentence.

Securing a Powerful Defense

Facing armed robbery charges is daunting, but understanding the court process and having a skilled burglary lawyer by your side can make a significant difference. From the initial arrest to potential appeals, each stage requires careful navigation and strategic planning. By partnering with an experienced theft defense attorney, you can ensure your rights are protected and work towards the best possible outcome for your case.

If you or a loved one is facing illegal possession of a regulated firearm or handgun on a person or in vehicle charges, contact Pikulski Law Offices right now to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss the details of your case.

Personalized criminal defense from a lawyer you can trust.